So, since this week’s blog could be a free-write topic about something “green”, I thought I might take this chance to shed some light on something non-green, I mean to say anti-green.
I know that you have all seen collages of flyers just like these, these past few weeks. These are all promoting candidates for student elections that only lasted, what ?!, four days! Okay, I’m not against appealing to the voters or student leaders, but if the college is advertising “Being Green” and even going as far as getting the printers to use both sides of the page to save paper, how was this allowed to reach such extremes?
Is this good campaign strategy, or just too much?
The paper usage this semester was just as bad, or possibly worse than last year. It was not enough that the flyers lined our school’s walls, pillars, bulletin boards and even, blocked out our windows; students patrolled the halls with piles on hand, handing them out as if their lives depended on it. I was bombarded by flyer after flyer, hearing “Are you voting?” or “Vote for (so-so)”, time and time again. No matter if I was eating in the cafeteria, typing up a paper in the atrium or enjoying the sunshine in the courtyards, they would soon follow, placing them silently beside me, sometimes two of each.
I was just so bothered that no one was seeing the error in all of this. I think about all the trees that it took to make all of those collages, and how in a matter of days they are discarded without a second thought. I think about the Guarani tribal people I am writing about in my research paper, and how they have suffered due to the high demand of paper.
I was so upset after looming a bit that began to decline the flyers, telling the students that I was not voting and even, giving them back the ones they would put on the table. Yes, some of you might say but they’re going to be recycled. Not everyone recycles, sadly, and I personally saw those flyers taken by the wind, abandoned on benches, and in the street. Those chemical dyes aren’t too good for the environment, one would assume. =/
I don’t know, I would just rather see, one large poster, in each building, of each candidate and more candidates addressing the students one on one rather than suffocating them with dyed paper. One person said, “But their pretty. They add some color to these walls.” No, they are there to illustrate human’s complete disregard for the current situation.
![]( Just as the windows are left with these pieces of tape and paper as the flyers were effortlessly pulled down, I wonder what we will be left with to remember our mistakes.
Jocelyn =)
good point. I will bring it up with Student Services. It shows that WASTE is one of our major problems. We need to learn to waste less.
When I see your pictur whcih are posted on your blog, I also think waste of papers. That kinds of thing is stupid thing. saving....good word. However, main point is that nobody cares it. No body..even if myself.
I love the picture of the flyers. I hate those flyers.
For a while, I was going to run for the Student Government. I figured I would get a big rubber ink stamp made up that read "These Posters Are A Waste Of Paper - Vote Fletcher", and just stamp it on every single flyer the other candidates put up.
Shame I couldn't run, really. That would have been fun.
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