Friday, May 30, 2008

"On the Twelfth Day of Blogging..."

How easy/difficult was your experience working with Blogger? Did you feel frustrated at any point with the technology or the kinds of knowledge you had to have to blog the way you wanted to? What was interesting or fun about working with Blogger?
For being my first blogging experience, I have to say working with Blogger made it a relatively easy one. As I have admitted on previous occasions, I am not very tech savvy, but with the professor’s guidance I was finally able to figure out how to insert pictures and hyperlinks. Unfortunately, there were those weird instances where I had those horrible spaces I didn’t know how to get rid of…That was frustrating. Other than that, the site served its purpose and was fun to work with.

Was writing the entry relatively painless or kind of a pain in the neck? Why or why not? Was it hard to write at least 250 words?
Well, I think most of you would agree that I tend to go over the 250 word minimum…a lot lolz I enjoy writing, so if I have an outlet, all the better. For each blog I’d try to answer the question in its entirety and to the best of my ability. So, this might take 2000 words…give or take…sorry for those whose eyes strained to take in all that information lolz I know I tend to rant sometimes. =)

Was it easy/difficult to meet the deadline for the entry and the comments? Why or why not? Do you think there may be a better way to set up a deadline? (If so, what is it?) Should there be a deadline at all?
First off, of course there should be a deadline! If this assignment is to be graded, assessed, and counted toward our grade, it should be given in at an appointed time. Secondly, I didn’t see a problem meeting deadlines, although I was late on one occasion. I usually wrote on Saturday nights because I was waiting for others to post, and I like writing at night anyway =) making it 4am really works for me, its not a school night, and I had since Wednesday to think of what it I was going to write.

Discuss your experience interacting with other class blogs. Did you learn anything in special that you think you wouldn't have if we didn't have blogs? In general, were comments useful or just kind of pro forma?
I always commented on the blogs, but recently found that I would have to look through quite a few to find someone who had submitted the most recent blog by the time I did. Sometimes, seven at a time. I guess that’s why in the end I began to just meet the minimum two comments. I actually looked forward to checking out other people’s blogs. I liked finding shared ideas and experiences that I could point out, or sharing some information about the subject they were referring to. I also anxiously kept checking my blog for other people’s comments. I didn’t see writing comments as a chore, although I knew it was a requirement, I enjoyed doing it. I hope that everyone appreciated my thoughts, even the silly ones.

Compare blogging to other kinds of writing you have done in previous courses.

Hmm, in comparison to other types of writing I’ve done in college, I’d have to say this was the most informal, yet surprisingly similar to what my Latin American Literature professor wanted from our response papers. She asked for us to implement our personal opinion, our experiences into the papers, and we peered reviewed each others work frequently. This would have to be the most similar experience my mind can conjure at the moment, but I think I illustrate my point =)

Do you think you would like to keep on blogging on your own?
Honestly…Hell yeah! Maybe not as frequent, or should I say more frequently… hard to say…But now that I have this blogging thing down, I want to keep writing and sharing my opinion on different issues as they arise. Just as I wrote a random entry on garbage, I had also wrote an entry on the concert of peace given on the border of Venezuela and Colombia, but never put it up. I like having this outlet, so I guess I can now link it to my friends and rant to my heart's delight. I even saw my stuff on Google, when I did a Google search on the Guarani , so others can check out my craziness too. =) I have stewing thoughts about gun control, racism, and gender roles that I have been meaning to get out there. So hopefully, a few of you continue as well, cool way to keep in touch and support the Green cause.

Jocelyn =) By the way Professor, the Blogs were an awesome idea.


Jocelyn Perez said...

have to say thatz my earliest blog ever lolz enjoy!

Debbie said...

I understand what you mean when you said you sometimes have to go through seven or eight blogs before you find someone who even posted their blog. with that being the issue it was very frustrating for me to post my comments.......I didn't like that either. other thatn that the blog experience was very interesting and fun to do. I'd rather do the blogs than writing papers and having to hand them in..............

Doctor X said...

The best blog title ...ever

Marock said...

Good. I like your posting.