Sunday, March 23, 2008

Whispers to Screams

Hmmm…One of the questions posed in the Inconvenient Truth is , “How will you follow your passion?” Well, lucky for the world, the environment is my passion . Being of Wiccan faith, I believe humans and nature are one. This religious perspective and my love for this world, fuels my everyday life because without it, I would not exist. Therefore, I am driven to protect and serve it.

Now, how do, or will I continue to do so you ask? I already rant to all those who will hear me, about our recklessness, our wastefulness, our cruelty to both man and creature, alike. I spread the word about global warming. I freak people out telling them how “our world” will come to an end possibly in our lifetimes, if no changes are made. How storms, flash floods, quakes and drought will take over one after another. I take pictures of the world I see around me everyday, hoping to open eyes. I read articles and write about my concerns, but sometimes it seems my pleas fall upon deaf ears. I teach children at the local community center about protecting the environment, caring for animals and maintaining gardens. At home, simple things like reminding family members and visitors to recycle, and conserve water and energy.

These things I will continue to do, full of passion and conviction, until my voice grows hoarse and there is no longer air left in my lungs.

The second question asks, “How will you use your education to make the world a better place?”
For one, I plan to go into the Environmental Sciences, and hopefully, although undecided, gear off into an area of Forestry, or Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation. Hence, my education will not only help my get into the field but, once inside I can make more of a difference than I could without the advantage.This type of field gives me access to top notch scientists, information and not to mention, opportunities to do some real work. Working in Forestry, for instance, I can plant a tremendous amount of trees and maintain the ones that are currently living out their lives. I can start programs to get more people involved, and campaign against deforestation. As a figure in the field, hopefully my chances of being heard shoot up some eighty percent. =)

Meanwhile, taking a swing at Wildlife Conservation and Rehabilitation would put me more in the middle of the action.=) I would be able to interact with and save endangered species. I would be able to travel and see parts of the world tourists do not venture to. Interesting enough, wildlife conservation organizations, like that of the World Wildlife Fund, are actually working with humanitarian organizations that help people who have fallen victim to natural disasters. I could not only make a difference in the natural world, but with these people too.

But come to think of it, we are the natural world. Why do we draw this imaginary line? Are we so suprerior that we must separate ourselves in such a way? Are we so intelligent? That has yet to be justified…if we were, we wouldn’t be screwing with our home this thoughtlessly, would we?

I originally tried to browse this site Home Energy Savings Checklist from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, but it did not work. Personally, I find checklists very interesting and I believe that when presented to a large population, like that found on the world wide web, they appear to be more appealing than articles.

I then tried Consumer Federation of Americas checklist of Ten simple ways to cut energy costs: This site presents the concept of “10 bright ideas to promote energy efficiency”. It seems geared at audiences of all ages, and has an overall “fun” presentation. Its tactics are full of examples of companies or people who’ve saved and they throw crazy amounts of savings at you, 10 billion, even 70 billion! They offer fact sheets, which are always appreciated =) and even have interactive groups if you wish to share your concerns. The EnergyStar logo sits in the corner, and the benefits to switching to their equipment are mentioned. The words, “Save money…save the planet…use less energy.”, seem to be the main campaign idea. Its like, “Don’t worry, saving the planet won’t burn a whole in your pocket.” But hey, the people eat it up.

Consume Less, Conserve More: Ideas On How to Pare Down:
I was surprised to see that this site includes Annie Leonard’s “The Story of Stuff” video. The concept of the site revolves around the “new” American dream. A dream that doesn’t give the environment the short end of the stick. The Homepage breaks up into different areas: Live consciously, Buy Wisely, Make a Difference. I think that the category titles alone make you think. You are offered consumer guides, readings, ways of saving money and saving the earth…which seems to be a common element in various advertising approaches. There is even an “Alternative gift registry”, where you can buy or receive gifts that wouldn’t be considered traditional, but are environmentally friendly, like secondhand items, or even, nonmaterial wishes. Lastly, there is even a way that you can become a member and network with other “dreamers”.

Benefits of Using Refillable Beverage Containers:
Ha! The advantages of a refillable system are finally exposed! The site even states that it is the only website promoting these ideas as well. I say this so enthusiastically because I recently wrote about rhe refilling system in Costa Rica. Well, the content is genuinely interesting and in some parts doesn’t make you feel too optimistic. Unfortunately, because the plastic, “throw-away” bottle was introduced in the later nineties, the refilling plants were closed in the United States, and are suffering in parts of the world where the system once dominated. Personally, I’m hoping for a comeback for everyone’s sake. It really is good page, check it out.

Jocelyn =) Now I would of picked more, but you guys would possibly skip my Blog for it being soo long, so I’ll stop here. See you in class. Check out the sites. Enjoy!! =)


Doctor X said...

Very nice, clear blog and well selected links. GOOD JOB!

Anonymous said... have lots of ambition.
Are you sure you can accomplish all of that in your lifetime? HaHa
It's going to take alot of work and alot of convincing to make all the changes you are proposing. Hey, maybe you are just the person to make people change. Keep up the good work.

Fletcher said...

I love the idea that our intelligence as a species has yet to be justified. That is sort of the more civil way of putting the same things I think about.

And you're Wiccan? That is genuinely fascinating. I think Wicca is one of the few spiritual/religious/theist doctrines that is of real and actual use to the planet, since the basis for the "faith" is the planet itself to an extent.